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Ad Age: Precision’s Shannon Lee Nominated a “Rising Star” by Outbrain

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Precision’s Shannon Lee is nominated as one of Outbrain’s Rising Stars for 2015. Outbrain’s Rising Star award shines a spotlight on emerging leaders in content marketing and recognizes industry leaders helping to transform brand story-telling through content.

An Interview with Shannon Lee: Outbrain’s Rising Star

What are you most excited about in the digital marketing space at the moment?

The convergence of offline and online media channels. People always ask whether print is dying, for example. And the answer is no – it’s just now being powered by a digital user experience, like everything else. Magazines to tablets, billboards to digital screens, terrestrial radio to online streaming. And that changes everything – how we buy media, target it, track it, measure it and in general think about reaching our audiences holistically.

What’s your favorite example of innovative digital marketing?

I can’t think of an example! But I would say, the very simple ideas are always the best. We don’t need to overcomplicate things just because we can.

What defines good content?

It’s relatable. You can identify with it. It has that “me too!” factor. That’s what makes people want to read it and feel excited and proud to share it.

What is the biggest myth about content marketing?

That people will suddenly care about your brand if you put your marketing message into the form of a listicle. It must actually be interesting too!

How are you amplifying and maximising your content?

Starting with a foundation of well crafted content and being targeted in its promotion. And then learning a lot! The difference between content that has legs and content that flops isn’t always self evident, nor is it uniform across audiences.

Where do you go for great content?

Probably Twitter! It’s my front door to the internet these days.

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